Sun. Sept. 28, 10 am to 4 pm
In partnership with the Culinary Historians of Canada, Fort York National Historic Site presents a special food symposium that explores the fascinating history of domestic and military food and beverages during the Great War. The day will be filled with panel discussions; Great War-era cooking demos, including a reconstructed Aldershot Oven; period displays; a butter tart tasting with Elizabeth Baird, and more. Guest speakers include Dorothy Duncan, Liz Driver, and Madeleine Kloske.

Keynote speaker is Andrew Robertshaw, noted BBC personality, military culinary historian, and author of Feeding Tommy: Battlefield Recipes from The Great War, 24HR Trench, and Frontline Cookbook: Battlefield Recipes from the Second World War.

Early Bird Registration until September 12
Early Bird Fee: $65; Regular Fee: $75 (prices include HST)
Pre-registration and payment required. For more information please call 416-392-6907 x225
To register please call 416-392-6907 x221