Fort York canteen store

Visit our online store at to shop for items previously available at the Canteen Museum Store and Toronto's nine other History Musems.

The City of Toronto owns and operates 10 historic sites across Toronto. Toronto's many pasts, presents and futures meet at our museums. The sites range in size, historical significance and time periods. The collection of sites include: former homes of key historic figures, a British Fort, a City Hall Council Chamber, a Tavern and Inn and a Brewery and Papermill. Toronto History Museums retail products are uniquely inspired by the City's artifact collection and offer the best in local art. Products include, although aren't limited to, Indigenous crafts, artisan jewellery, clothing, accessories, home décor, gardening, reproductions, stationery, toys, educational items, and literature that reflect the history and heritage of our sites.

Our reproduction pieces include navigational instruments-compasses, spyglasses, sextants and coins. We have sourced heritage writing instruments imported from Italy and France, beautiful wooden pen and nib sets, inks and sealing wax with stamps. We offer home décor and domestic merchandise to connect our heritage kitchens within the Toronto History Museums to your homes, offering cookbooks, glassware, china, tin ware and linens. We carry locally handmade beeswax candles and environmentally friendly food wraps.

Store Hours 

January 2 – Dec 23: Wednesday/Thursday/Friday; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm  Weekends; 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday

For further information please call 416-392-7484 or email Fort York at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..